My rating: 1 of 5 stars
Cinnamon Mercy Claus has been a witch for two years. At least that’s how long it’s been since her grandmother let her in on their little secret. She’s in the process of picking up her life and starting over, searching for something that means more to her than her mundane existence. Then a fairy drips down out of her bathroom faucet and tells her the moon’s gone all wonky and it’s up to Cinnamon to figure things out.
Since there’s nothing like a threat to the earth’s very existence to give your new life a kick into high gear, Cinnamon heads out across the country—with a talking dog and a woman who absolutely terrifies her—to figure out a mystery she doesn’t have a clue about.
Since there’s nothing like a threat to the earth’s very existence to give your new life a kick into high gear, Cinnamon heads out across the country—with a talking dog and a woman who absolutely terrifies her—to figure out a mystery she doesn’t have a clue about.
My Thoughts:
I really enjoy paranormal books so I was looking forward to this one. Unfortunately, it fell kind of short for me.Let's talk about what I liked, first. I thought it was interesting that Cinnamon was a witch AND related to Santa Claus. I also liked Ginger. She had a lot of energy and spunk for a talking dog.
That is where it ends so let's move to what I don't like. The author states at the beginning that Cinnamon is related to Santa Claus and doesn't even use that as a basis for her series. This just seems more of a random fact thrown in. Then you have a random faerie and a water slug just thrown in randomly. Oh and the water slug knows his runes. Follow that with some trolls to clean up her house and a weird woman that eats her furniture. Why? Then comes Ginger. Ginger is an elf that turned herself into a dog to fit in better. Yeah, that makes sense...(insert eye roll here) Wouldn't she do better to just dress normally? We have short people in the real world. The weird woman keeps coming back and eating whatever and anything she can find. She doesn't have a preference for anything in particular, I guess, and the author doesn't take the time to explain what this crazy woman is. As if the book isn't weird enough, let's turn the plot to the missing moon goddess. No moon goddess = no moon and this is horrible and we have to save the world. Blah, blah, blah.
Overall, the books was a jumbled mess. The author just decided to throw all kinds of weird crap in there and hope it all held together as a story. There is no character building or world building but hey it has a elf/dog that likes to drive cars. Oh and a crazy woman that eats bugs, people and furniture. The saving grace was that the book was so short. Yes, I am done and can move on to a real book!
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