My rating: 5 of 5 stars
What is this prep school preparing them for?
Camden Fisher arrives at boarding school haunted by a falling-out with her best friend back home. But the manicured grounds of Lethe Academy are like nothing Cam has ever known. There are gorgeous, preppy boys wielding tennis rackets, and circles of girls with secrets to spare. Only . . . something is not quite right. One of Cam's new friends mysteriously disappears, but the teachers don't seem too concerned. Cam wakes up to strangers in her room, who then melt into the night. She is suddenly plagued by odd memories, and senses there might be something dark and terrible brewing. But what? The answer will leave Cam—and readers—stunned and breathless, in this thrilling debut novel.
Camden Fisher arrives at boarding school haunted by a falling-out with her best friend back home. But the manicured grounds of Lethe Academy are like nothing Cam has ever known. There are gorgeous, preppy boys wielding tennis rackets, and circles of girls with secrets to spare. Only . . . something is not quite right. One of Cam's new friends mysteriously disappears, but the teachers don't seem too concerned. Cam wakes up to strangers in her room, who then melt into the night. She is suddenly plagued by odd memories, and senses there might be something dark and terrible brewing. But what? The answer will leave Cam—and readers—stunned and breathless, in this thrilling debut novel.
My Thoughts:
I read TONS of books every year and one of the things I love is when an author doesn't make things too obvious. Now don't get me wrong, it still has to make sense and there has to be clues and facts that lead to the ending. This book has ALL OF THAT.I love the characters. They all have their own issues and back stories. Camden becomes part of pretty awesome circle of friends. They bend over backwards to help each other and to understand what is happening at their new school.
I was literally almost done with the book and I couldn't figure out what was going on. The ending literally blew me away. The facts and hints were all there but I just never connected them. In fact, I saw one of the clues and thought "Hey that's an interesting coincidence". It wasn't a coincidence at all and I still didn't connect it. Well done, Miss Applegate! You have won yourself a new fan.
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