My rating: 3 of 5 stars
Jiline of Ainsley is dismayed when her best friend is selected by the mages to become a unicorn keeper at the Keep, an isolated mountain fortress. Especially since Madelen is in love and engaged to the richest boy in the village. Jiline on the other hand has no prospects of marriage or a trade in their small village. So, she comes up with a plan to take Madelen’s place at the Keep and hopefully flunk out of unicorn keeper training before the mages can discover the deception. Unfortunately, the unicorns have their own plans for her.Mage Herrick, son of the Keep Mage, returns home to the Keep as the trainee keepers arrive. A chance encounter with Jiline, who he believes is Madelen, on the trail sparks a magical connection between the two. Knowing he can’t feel a magical draw to someone who has no magic, he tries to prove Madelen (Jiline) has magic within her. His attention brings unforeseen complications for both of them.
My Thoughts:
Cover/Title: I don't see a whole lot of books with unicorns so this drew my attention.Characters: I like Jiline. She just throws herself into everything head first without a thought to the consequences. Herrick is quite the opposite of her. He thinks things thru so they make a pretty good pair. I do wish there was more character building. The characters are pretty one dimensional and most only play a small role. I would think that Jiline should have a bit more interaction with people than she does in the book.
Plot: Jiline's best friend is chosen to be a keeper and desperately wants a way out of it. Jiline looks enough like her that she suggests switching places. Then Jiline meets the unicorns and learns of their situation.
Overall: This was an ok book. It has a lot of potential and would make a great series if it was fleshed out a bit more.
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