New York Times Bestselling Author Jessica Redmerski

Genre: YA/NA Crossover, Dystopian
Publication Date: August 28, 2017
Publication Date: August 28, 2017
Atticus, struggling to conform to the cruel nature of men in a post-apocalyptic society. Thais,
fighting to stay out of the hands of men like him. Forced together, they fall in love. But can love
survive in such dark times, or is it fated to die with them?
fighting to stay out of the hands of men like him. Forced together, they fall in love. But can love
survive in such dark times, or is it fated to die with them?
Thais Fenwick was eleven-years-old when civilization fell, devastated by a virus that killed off
the majority of the world’s population. For seven years, Thais and her family lived in a community
of survivors deep in the heart of the Appalachian Mountains. But when her town is attacked
by raiders, she and her blind sister are taken away to the East-Central Territory where she
is destined to live the cruel and unjust kind of life her late mother warned her about.
the majority of the world’s population. For seven years, Thais and her family lived in a community
of survivors deep in the heart of the Appalachian Mountains. But when her town is attacked
by raiders, she and her blind sister are taken away to the East-Central Territory where she
is destined to live the cruel and unjust kind of life her late mother warned her about.
Atticus Hunt is a troubled soldier in Lexington City who has spent the past seven years trying
to conform to the vicious nature of men in a post-apocalyptic society. He knows that in order to
survive, he must abandon his morals and his conscience and become like those he is surrounded
by. But when he meets Thais, morals and conscience win out over conformity, and he risks
his rank and his life to help her. They escape the city and set out together on a long and
perilous journey to find safety in Shreveport, Louisiana.
to conform to the vicious nature of men in a post-apocalyptic society. He knows that in order to
survive, he must abandon his morals and his conscience and become like those he is surrounded
by. But when he meets Thais, morals and conscience win out over conformity, and he risks
his rank and his life to help her. They escape the city and set out together on a long and
perilous journey to find safety in Shreveport, Louisiana.
Struggling to survive in a world without electricity, food, shelter, and clean water, Atticus and
Thais shed their fear of growing too close, and they fall hopelessly in love. But can love survive
in such dark times, or is it fated to die with them?
Thais shed their fear of growing too close, and they fall hopelessly in love. But can love survive
in such dark times, or is it fated to die with them?
“Why are you so angry, Atticus?” My voice was soft and concerned now.
He blinked, but offered no response.
“I’ve seen men fight before,” I went on, “but I’ve never seen a man as angry at the world
as you are. The way you beat that man in your room”—I shook my head with despondency
—“the one just now; Atticus, you’re just so full of rage and hate. Why?”
as you are. The way you beat that man in your room”—I shook my head with despondency
—“the one just now; Atticus, you’re just so full of rage and hate. Why?”
He snorted, as if he’d found my question ridiculous.
“Why?” he mocked incredulously, holding out his hands, palms up. “I’ll tell you why,
Thais: at every turn someone wants to rob or maim or kill us; we can’t sleep, night or day,
without the thought in our heads as we close our fucking eyes that we might not wake
up.” He gestured his arms wildly, his features constricted with indignation. “We’re
covering our shit up like animals, sleeping in ditches, watching over our shoulder every
second of every day for the chaos to grab us by the ankles and pull us down with it—
and you ask why?”
Thais: at every turn someone wants to rob or maim or kill us; we can’t sleep, night or day,
without the thought in our heads as we close our fucking eyes that we might not wake
up.” He gestured his arms wildly, his features constricted with indignation. “We’re
covering our shit up like animals, sleeping in ditches, watching over our shoulder every
second of every day for the chaos to grab us by the ankles and pull us down with it—
and you ask why?”
I sat against my quilt, unable to stand to hear this truth. And as if his movements
depended on mine, Atticus fell into a crouch in front of me, bouncing on the toes of his
boots. I never looked away from the pull of his gaze, trapped by the intensity of it.
depended on mine, Atticus fell into a crouch in front of me, bouncing on the toes of his
boots. I never looked away from the pull of his gaze, trapped by the intensity of it.
“I haven’t slept since you arrived in Lexington City,” he went on. “When I saw you that
day, clutching your sister as she was ripped away from you; when you lay on the
sidewalk, begging me to help you—it did two things to me, Thais”—he held up two
fingers, and then dropped them between his legs—“it fucking killed me; the things I
had to do, the part I had to play in not only your fate, but the fate of every girl in those
ropes—it fucking killed me! It killed what little was left of my humanity!” His voice had
risen with his heated words, his memories, but then he paused to calm himself, lowering
his head but for a moment.
day, clutching your sister as she was ripped away from you; when you lay on the
sidewalk, begging me to help you—it did two things to me, Thais”—he held up two
fingers, and then dropped them between his legs—“it fucking killed me; the things I
had to do, the part I had to play in not only your fate, but the fate of every girl in those
ropes—it fucking killed me! It killed what little was left of my humanity!” His voice had
risen with his heated words, his memories, but then he paused to calm himself, lowering
his head but for a moment.
I remained motionless, speechless, but my heart began to ache and fill up at the same time.
I listened raptly to every word, my heart breaking as he spoke them.
I listened raptly to every word, my heart breaking as he spoke them.
“It killed me,” he repeated. “But then something reached into Hell, grabbed me by the
throat and pulled me back. I died that day in the street, Thais Fenwick; I died and then
there I was, looking down at you with the eyes of the man I used to be, and I wanted to
help you. I still fought with myself after that, but I wasn’t going to let you die or be raped
or forced to marry a man you didn’t love—I didn’t know what to do, but I was going
to do something, goddammit.”
throat and pulled me back. I died that day in the street, Thais Fenwick; I died and then
there I was, looking down at you with the eyes of the man I used to be, and I wanted to
help you. I still fought with myself after that, but I wasn’t going to let you die or be raped
or forced to marry a man you didn’t love—I didn’t know what to do, but I was going
to do something, goddammit.”
I sighed. I wanted to hold him, but all I could do was sigh.

This book will take you on a long, dangerous, exciting journey. These characters will stay with
you and you will fall so in love with them! I want to read it again, and again, and again!
you and you will fall so in love with them! I want to read it again, and again, and again!

That was an epic read. Pure epic! ... Jessica Redmerski... is an absolutely incredible writer. I fall
in love with every book she writes, every character, everything.
in love with every book she writes, every character, everything.
- Louise Seraphim Reviews
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and more! To check the latest tour schedule, visit the Everything Under the Sun Book Page at
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About Jessica Redmerski

Jessica Redmerski is a New York Times, USA Today and Wall Street Journal bestselling author,
international bestseller, and award winner, who juggles several different genres. She began
self-publishing in 2012, and later with the success of THE EDGE OF NEVER, signed on with
Grand Central Publishing/Forever Romance. Her works have been translated into more than
twenty languages.
international bestseller, and award winner, who juggles several different genres. She began
self-publishing in 2012, and later with the success of THE EDGE OF NEVER, signed on with
Grand Central Publishing/Forever Romance. Her works have been translated into more than
twenty languages.
Jessica is a hybrid author who, in addition to working with a traditional publisher, also continues
to self-publish. Her popular crime and suspense series, In the Company of Killers, has been
optioned for television and film by actor and model William Levy.
to self-publish. Her popular crime and suspense series, In the Company of Killers, has been
optioned for television and film by actor and model William Levy.
1) I’m terrified of heights, particularly airplanes or anything man-made (rides at the fair, elevators,
tall buildings, etc.). But just thinking about being on a plane gives me anxiety!
tall buildings, etc.). But just thinking about being on a plane gives me anxiety!
2) I smoked for eleven years, until 2007 when my left lung collapsed and I spent five days in the
hospital with a tube hanging out of my chest. It’s safe to say that I’ve never touched a cigarette since.
hospital with a tube hanging out of my chest. It’s safe to say that I’ve never touched a cigarette since.
3) I used to love AMC’s The Walking Dead, watched it religiously, until they killed off Carl, and I
haven’t watched an episode since! Yes, I’m THAT serious about my favorite characters.
haven’t watched an episode since! Yes, I’m THAT serious about my favorite characters.
4) I have such a strong sense of smell that I can smell the toxins and sickness coming off a person’s
body who is running a fever.
body who is running a fever.
5) I have a mild case of OCD and hypochondria.
6) I used to have a crush on Nomak from Blade II – yes, the character and not the actor who played
him, though there’s certainly nothing wrong with him, either.
him, though there’s certainly nothing wrong with him, either.
7) There will always be a huge place in my heart for 80’s music and movies.
8) I have seen the film, The Lost Boys, sixty-five times and at one point I could recite the movie
from beginning to end, word-for-word.
from beginning to end, word-for-word.
9) I am the author of DIRTY EDEN. (Trust me, this fits perfectly on any list of weird things).
10) Years ago, I used to have dreams about fires and if I ever had them three nights in a row,
something close to me would catch fire on the fourth day!
something close to me would catch fire on the fourth day!
Official website: http://jessicaredmerski.com/
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(US and Canada only)
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