My rating: 3 of 5 stars
"For the sake of Viggo, my brother, my family in Patrus, and every single citizen of our God-forsaken nations, I had to stop the war."
Continue Violet and Viggo's journey in the electrifying fourth book of The Gender Game series!
Continue Violet and Viggo's journey in the electrifying fourth book of The Gender Game series!
My Thoughts:
I really like Violet. She is determined to do the right things and also to protect the people that she cares about. She is a strong heroine up against choices that have no real good answer. Somebody is always gonna get hurt.
I like Viggo a lot. He is definitely better than Leo from the first book. I love that he is honorable and also tries to do the right things.
the ending
I do enjoy the plot idea but it seems to me that they keep doing the same things and expecting a different ending. They say that is the first sign of insanity, right? LOL! That is why I loved the ending of this book. Lots of action and they are now being proactive instead of reactive. I really hope that the proactive actions continue in the next book and that they actually make a difference. I am looking forward to seeing what happens next.
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